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(by Orkun Uçar)

Date is 27th May, 2007. mausoleum had been bombed and corpse of Atatürk had been lost.

Corpse of Atatürk had been stolen by MOSSAD that was an organization in Israel. Theirs’ aim was to make a clone of Atatürk.

Commender of grey team that was a secret organization connected with state in Turkey, Kurt learned this plan and told everything Gökhan Bildağ who works for grey team.

Gökhan went to ısrael to demolish this plan. He did this successfully…




(by Orkun Uçar)

Date is 2010…

Civilization conflict has broken out. The final war of East and West started violently. New pages are being added to gory and grieved pages of world history.

Nuclear weapons are being made a move…

Turkish armies are joining to war.

Turkish armies are last hope for world that will vanish.




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